Tiki Tribe - Our Services

How can we help you?

Support Coordination
  • Support Coordinators help you to navigate, find and utilise the NDIS services and service providers you need.

  • Understand and use you NDIS plan to pursue your goals

  • Connect you with NDIS providers, community, mainstream and other government services

  • Build your confidence and skills to use and coordinate your supports

  • Keep an eye on your funding to ensure your provider spending is on track and assist when you need changes or reviews to your Plan.

Need help in getting an NDIS Plan?

Have you found yourself wanting to apply for the NDIS but finding it way too hard? Feel free to give us a call and we can help point you in the right direction and more.

Don't have Support Coordination in your NDIS Plan but still need help?

You got your NDIS Plan approved! Congratulations! The next steps are where a lot of people find themselves a bit lost and confused. There are still ways we can help get you utilising your NDIS Plan correctly and effectively.

I'm overwhelmed and confused. Can I just have a chat?
